As a beginning metaphysician, while working my way through school at St. Vincent's Medical Center, I had a very important lesson which, I'm embarrassed to admit, took awhile to sink in and really make an impression.
I had developed a habit of spending the last 1/2 of my lunch break in the hospital chapel. One day, without any previous consideration, I decided to skip lunch and spend the entire time in meditation. When I returned to my office, which was normally very busy at that time, I found it completely empty and the phone was ringing. It was the cafeteria down the hall, asking if I would send someone down with a wheelchair, as they needed to take someone up to Admitting. Since I was alone, I took the chair myself. When I arrived, I found a group of disturbed people surrounding a crying woman who had fallen to the floor. As I approached I could see great distress in her eyes as the left side of her face was appearing to melt, giving all the indications of a stroke. I hurried to lift her onto the chair and take her upstairs so she could be admitted for treatment. What I noticed as I did so was a very detached sense of Peace. As a budding metaphysician, I tried to think of "something spiritual," but absolutely nothing came to mind. everyone seemed to be off in a distance somehow, and I was completely undisturbed by the anxious conversations of her friends and her crying. It was as if we were wrapped in a cocoon of calm. When we arrived at Admitting, I noticed she had calmed considerably, and when we went to assist her onto the waiting bed, we discovered that she was fine, with no trace of her earlier distress. She had a confused look on her face as if to say, 'Why am I here?'
What followed was, to me, more dramatic than her complete loss of her symptoms. Since they insisted she stay and rest and remain for "observation," I helped her onto the bed, and as I did, I spontaneously bent down and kissed a total stranger, as if she were a dear relative. While totally unprofessional, and completely out of the ordinary for me, it did seem as if it were the most normal, natural thing to do. In fact, it wasn't until I was out of the room that it dawned on me what I had done! Since there was no outcry from the hospital staff, I felt it as safe to go back to work. I did check the computer later for all those who had been admitted that day. The lady was not among them.
What I finally came to appreciate about the nature of healing is that the entire activity is established, governed and controlled by God. I began, finally, to not only be grateful that there was a 'healing", that the very distressing symptoms went away, but began to reflect in awe the complete set of circumstances that were necessary in order for me to be a participant, - my sudden "decision" to skip lunch, the fact that I got back just in time to get the phone and no one else - in a very busy office - was available to go. And, most importantly, that the "healing element," wasn't a lot of fancy words, no eloquent "knowing the truth," but a very serene sense of Peace and Love that I obviously had not originated and had no control over at all. It truly is the Quality of Consciousness and not any "personal understanding" -"the Father within doeth the works."
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