Due to many things, I have never been able to repay my student loans from college, so for the last 10 years or so, my federal income tax returns have gone to the Dept. of Education as payment on defaulted student loans. Well, in Sept. of last year, after Hurricane Katrina & Rita, I moved from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Wisconsin & started work immediately. This year when tax time rolled around, I figured I had $716.84 coming to me. However, in November of last year, I was in an automobile wreck & my car insurance had gone up to $712.00 for 6 months. It was due in March & I could see no possible way of being able to cover that expense. Even paying by the month would still be more than I could afford on my present paycheck. As the time for the insurance drew closer, I tried very hard to know that "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need", as Mrs. Eddy tells us. Then just a couple days before the insurance had to be paid, I was checking my bank balance with the automated phone & discovered, to my great surprise, a deposit of $716.84 of which I had no record. I knew it was not a paycheck, because I didn't make that much! The only thing it could have been was my federal income tax refund! When I sent in my tax forms, they went to a different area than before & so I was able to receive my refund this time - just enough, almost to the penny, of what was needed for the car insurance! I cannot even express my gratitude for this blessing! Divine Love has once again met the human need. I continue to be so grateful for this blessing, among so many others, that lately my life seems to be a marvel of miracles! But, again as Mrs. Eddy says, what is a miracle to us is perfectly natural to divine Love. I am growing & realizing more all the time that the source of all supply is divine Mind, expressing itself as the divine Love that meets every human need. - Margrette Dutton