Leader Forever, by Helen M. Wright

This booklet, recently in its fifth printing, with over 40,000 so far shared among the field, is of signal interest to all thinking Christian Scientists. It reveals clear insights into the God-inspired instructions Mary Baker Eddy left us in her Church Manual. It focuses on the issues of vital importance to all Christian Scientists today concerned about the future prosperity of the cause of Christian Science. It is available in both a 46 page booklet, and the original 112 page version. Either booklet is free when any other Helen Wright title is ordered?simply ask.  F.B. of CA wrote:" I have read and re-read your little booklet Mary Baker Eddy--Leader Forever and must tell you that nothing that I have read matches it in validating and explaining Mrs. Eddy's sacred role for the benefit of humanity. All who classify themselves as Christian Scientists should possess this little book and study it diligently. Then they should have the courage to censor any efforts to de-emphasize or alter the true concept of Mrs. Eddy's place in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy." Read by Alan Young; 2-3/4 hours.
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